This is a combination of an explanation of LFSRs and a writeup of the following challenge I made for a recent CTF:
1import functools, operator, random
3print((functools.reduce(operator.xor, (random.getrandbits(256) for _ in range(73133736**7)))^0x458d5dbe9dd57b3a8780cfe94cbb36f14bf4f33ce4179eccecb4bd674de26d47).to_bytes(32, 'big').decode())
The tl;dr is that a known random seed is used and then we compute
random.getrandbits(256) ^ random.getrandbits(256) ^ ... ^ random.getrandbits(256)
a large number of times, the result is XORed with some constant and then printed, we can safely assume that this result will be the flag.
Just run the script

Sadly the number of times the inner loop needs to run is around which is outside the scope of the world’s current computing capabilities, so we need to find a mathematical shortcut.
The implementation of the
module in CPython (the implementation everyone uses) is based on the RNG known as MT19937 (Mersenne Twister 19937) and falls in the class of LFSRs (Linear Feedback Shift Registers).
This is what an explicit implementation of MT19937 might look like
1class MT19937:
2 w, n = 32, 624
3 f = 1812433253
4 m, r = 397, 31
5 a = 0x9908B0DF
6 d, b, c = 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x9D2C5680, 0xEFC60000
7 u, s, t, l = 11, 7, 15, 18
9 def __init__(self, seed):
10 self.X = [0] * MT19937.n
11 self.cnt = 0
12 self.initialize(seed)
14 def initialize(self, seed):
15 ... # not important
17 def twist(self):
18 for i in range(MT19937.n):
19 lower_mask = (1 << MT19937.r) - 1
20 upper_mask = (~lower_mask) & ((1 << MT19937.w) - 1)
21 tmp = (self.X[i] & upper_mask) + (self.X[(i + 1) % MT19937.n] & lower_mask)
22 tmpA = tmp >> 1
23 if tmp & 1:
24 tmpA ^= MT19937.a
25 self.X[i] = self.X[(i + MT19937.m) % MT19937.n] ^ tmpA
26 self.cnt = 0
28 def temper(self):
29 if self.cnt == MT19937.n:
30 self.twist()
31 y = self.X[self.cnt]
32 y = y ^ ((y >> MT19937.u) & MT19937.d)
33 y = y ^ ((y << MT19937.s) & MT19937.b)
34 y = y ^ ((y << MT19937.t) & MT19937.c)
35 y = y ^ (y >> MT19937.l)
36 self.cnt += 1
37 return y & ((1 << MT19937.w) - 1)
“Naive” approach
You will notice that it contains a state of -bit elements and that the
operation modifies this whole state. We then sequentially output each of the elements when a new random element is requested in
, and when we run out of elements we call
again to refresh the state.
The important parts to notice here is that everything is linear over , both in
. The XORs and shifts are linear operators which we can neatly blackbox into “some linear operator”. This means that if we denote the initial state as then we have that , for some matrix which represents the twisting operation, and more generally that .
This state vector encompasses several -bit outputs, each of which need to be run through
. So let be the matrix which represents
, and then let
With blocks of on the diagonal. This will apply
to each -bit slice of the state.
The actual values which are output will be -bit slices of these state vectors. We are dealing with -bit outputs of which there fits in each state. Therefore we finally let be the identity matrix, and let
With identity matrices spread out. This will essentially sum all the -bit slices of the state into a single -bit number. Putting this all together means that the XOR-sum of outputs
is given by
Consequently the total sum that we are interested in is given by.
I was nice and made it so that . This is still a very long sum, but since it is a geometric series we can use the formula for the sum of a geometric series to get
This only involves calculating to a large exponent, and this is doable in only matrix multiplications using the binary exponentiation algorithm.
This is still a pretty huge matrix so it will take a couple of minutes to compute, but it is completely doable.
The cooler approach

There is a way to compute this in less than a second and it trades linear algebra for abstract algebra. This isn’t a full explanation if you don’t know about LFSRs and minimal polynomials already, it’s more of a brief overview. The solve script is as follows
1from sage.all import *
3import random
4from sage.matrix.berlekamp_massey import berlekamp_massey
5from functools import reduce
6from operator import xor
8n = 73133736**7
9minpoly = berlekamp_massey([GF(2)(random.getrandbits(256)) for _ in range(19937*2)])
11x = GF((2, 19937), 'x', modulus=minpoly, check_irreducible=False).gen()
14totsum = reduce(xor, (random.getrandbits(256) * bool(c) for c in (1 - x**n) / (1 - x)))
15totsum ^= 0x458d5dbe9dd57b3a8780cfe94cbb36f14bf4f33ce4179eccecb4bd674de26d47
17flag = totsum.to_bytes(32, 'big').decode()
function is used to find the minimal polynomial of the LFSR, which we happen to know beforehand to be of degree , which is why we need at least samples because of how Berlekamp-Massey works. Let be this minimal polynomial, the defining property is that if we let
And let be the output of the LFSR, then we have that
We essentially treat each output as sequentially higher powers of the polynomial indeterminate .
The important thing to notice is that any expression which is a sum of LFSR outputs can be written as a polynomial, and if we reduce this polynomial modulo (since we know it to be zero) then we can always obtain a polynomial of degree which evaluates to the same value.
This means that such expressions can actually be seen as part of the quotient ring , and since happens to be irreducible this is . This is a commonly used field so the implementation which Sage uses is very efficient, this is what’s constructed and which x
is then set to be the generator of (i.e the polynomial indeterminate).
We then once again use the sum of a geometric series to compute
where . The result will once again be a polynomial of degree which tells us that the expression we just computed is equal to a certain linear combination of the first outputs of the LFSR.
We thus seed our RNG with the known seed and compute these first outputs, XOR them together in the way described by the polynomial and this will be our final result.