Table of Contents
“Then just LLL to get the flag”
– Every CTF player
What is a lattice?
Less formally, a lattice is a set of vectors which are all integer linear combinations of a set of basis vectors. In mathematics these can live in all of , but in practice (since computers aren’t magic) we usually restrict ourselves to , or sometimes . We define for a basis where the lattice as
A crucial point about lattices is that they are not at all uniquely defined by their basis. If they were normal vector spaces this is fairly obvious, for example has an uncountably infinite number of bases.
The process of lattice reduction is that of trying to find a new basis for a given lattice which has nice properties or reveal something important about the structure of the lattice. Specifically they try to find a basis in which the vectors are short and roughly orthogonal to each other. Below is a visualization of lattice reduction in , try dragging around the starting basis and see how the reduced basis changes.
Starting Basis
Reduced Basis
From this visual it should also be evident why we call them “lattices”

(Image from Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries)
Setting up equations
If you have taken a linear algebra class you are familiar with the concept of representing a system of equations as a matrix. We can for example represent the system
like this
where each row represents one of our equations. One can view this as finding a linear combination of the basis vectors which equal the target vector .
When reducing lattices we don’t try to solve an equality, we instead try to simultaneously minimize a set of expressions. More specifically we try to find (integer) linear combinations of the given basis vectors which are small in norm (length).
Extended Extended Euclidean Algorithm
The extended euclidean algorithm is an algorithm which let’s you, given , find such that .
Let us try and solve this problem using lattice reduction, but for numbers . I.e find such that .
An important fact which makes this relevant to lattice reduction is the fact that is the smallest possible non-zero number you can get by integer linear combinations of . With that in mind let’s consider the follow lattice
Due to unexplainable convention, when denoting a lattice basis as a matrix we let each row represent a basis vector, not column. Therefore this is a lattice with basis vectors in . If we reduce this lattice it will find a basis for the same lattice but with shorter vectors. We know that is the shortest possible vector in this case, so we should expect it to be in the basis.
1sage: a, b, c = [7*random_prime(2**64) for _ in range(3)]
2sage: B = matrix([[a], [b], [c]]); B
6sage: B.LLL()
7[ 0]
8[ 0]
As you can see we found not only that , but also that no other vectors are needed to represent the lattice (the other vectors are ). This means that any linear combination of will be a multiple of , which I hope makes sense.
We did technically find and not , but they are completely equivalent in the eyes of the lattice reduction algorithm, since they have the exact same absolute size; there is no distinction between positive and negative numbers.
Extracting the coefficients
Computing was not our goal, we want to find the specific integers such that . Therefore let’s consider the following lattice basis
If this lattice is reduced such that appears in the first column as before, then that means that it had to have gotten there by some linear combination of the rows, and this linear combination will be “captured” by the last three columns such that we can extract it:
Let’s try this in practice
1sage: B = matrix([[a, 1, 0, 0],
2....: [b, 0, 1, 0],
3....: [c, 0, 0, 1]])
4sage: B
5[81605617467706236653 1 0 0]
6[79792519733247444991 0 1 0]
7[48688238757238887163 0 0 1]
8sage: B.LLL()
9[ 654941 -3003666 1473648 2619317]
10[-3600737 -138931 1896467 -2875157]
11[-5740623 515249 -1883016 2222372]
Not exactly what we wanted, we no longer get in the first column. This comes back to the fact that the lattice reduction algorithm has no preference for which columns it wants to minimize, it tries to minimize the total size of the vector, and all entries in it will contribute to that. The basis therefore looks “smeared out”; the size of the first column has spread into the others to make everything as even as possible, while still being a basis for the same lattice.
Now we introduce the concept of weighting. Consider the following lattice basis
Where is some sufficiently large number. The point is to make the size of (the value in the first columnn) matter a lot more in the calculation of the final size, since it will be multiplied by the large number . It will thus try to minimize the first column as much as possible, the other columns will be minimized as well but only as a second priority, to anthropomorphize the algorithm a bit.
1sage: W = 10**10
2sage: B = matrix([[W*a, 1, 0, 0],
3....: [W*b, 0, 1, 0],
4....: [W*c, 0, 0, 1]])
5sage: B
6[816056174677062366530000000000 1 0 0]
7[797925197332474449910000000000 0 1 0]
8[486882387572388871630000000000 0 0 1]
9sage: B.LLL()
10[ 0 -125321082 2302873871 -3564006605]
11[ 0 3187908539 -3079199380 -296871849]
12[-70000000000 -817817861 -500025365 2190196607]
This time we get in the first column, exactly like we wanted, and in the last three columns we have the coefficients we were looking for. Let’s negate them (to get and not ) and we can then verify that
We not only found a solution, we found a small solution since the lattice reduction algorithm still tried to minimize the non-weighted columns.
Finding large solutions
If you are not interested in the size of the coefficients you shouldn’t use LLL can instead look at the transformation matrix such that where is the reduced basis:
1sage: B = matrix([[a], [b], [c]]); B
5sage: Bprim, U = B.LLL(transformation=True)
6sage: Bprim
7[ 0]
8[ 0]
10sage: U
11[ -11398931390463920713 11657945352529462379 0]
12[ 2761828907117753380633971705189402507 -2824584986900649619836477317376005974 1]
13[ 397073355769105623 -406095915830696686 0]
The last row of tells you what linear combination of the rows of resulted in the last column of . In this case it tells us that
This is obviously a much larger solution, and it doesn’t even try to use to spread the coefficients out at all, but in some cases this is all you need.
Dealing with constant terms
Now let’s try to find small solutions to for some . We might start by considering a lattice basis like this
A vector of this lattice will be of the form
We want to solve . So finding a vector in the lattice where the first entry and will mean that we have a solution to our equation sitting in the middle three columns.
1sage: a, b, c, d = [random_prime(2**64) for _ in range(4)]
2sage: B = matrix([[a, 1, 0, 0, 0],
3....: [b, 0, 1, 0, 0],
4....: [c, 0, 0, 1, 0],
5....: [d, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
6sage: B.LLL()
7[-12361 -19256 39535 -29072 1550]
8[ -7996 -44907 22981 50749 15033]
9[-12655 -28196 -38088 -31026 59043]
10[-89881 -12258 -7752 19271 11400]
This doesn’t work as-is of course. Let’s start by once again weighting the “equation” column.
1sage: W = 10**10
2sage: B = matrix([[W*a, 1, 0, 0, 0],
3....: [W*b, 0, 1, 0, 0],
4....: [W*c, 0, 0, 1, 0],
5....: [W*d, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
6sage: B.LLL()
7[ 0 -1423561 -1300365 1012794 1901686]
8[ 0 -1725725 1551145 1797563 201929]
9[ 0 -1294934 1003719 -2755526 1350927]
10[-10000000000 -766026 297675 -1172257 861195]
We are now interested in the rows where the first entry is , of which there are , but sadly none of them have . To fix this we want to also punish vectors where the last entry is large, we do that by multiplying the last column by as well.
1sage: B = matrix([[W*a, 1, 0, 0, 0],
2....: [W*b, 0, 1, 0, 0],
3....: [W*c, 0, 0, 1, 0],
4....: [W*d, 0, 0, 0, W]])
5sage: B.LLL()
6[ 0 2191591152 -2034663455 -3089283649 0]
7[ 0 430234735 -2617123417 4557337304 0]
8[-10000000000 659662269 -770245021 -562394325 0]
9[ 0 -361829116 -298420587 1987070568 10000000000]
This time we found a solution where and . Since and not we can just negate the coefficients to get a solution to our original equation, and indeed
1sage: 361829116*a + 298420587*b - 1987070568*c == d
An important thing to note is why the last column is not just fully since it has such a large weight. This is because it still needs to be a basis for the same lattice, if all of the last column was then we would not have the same span as the original lattice, as it did not.
Weight matrices
In more complex systems you might have several different weights for different equations and variables. It can be handy to separate the weighting from the actual lattice basis, which also makes it easier to analyze the results. If we apply this for the previous example we would have
Each entry on the diagonal of denotes how much to scale each column of by, so will equal the basis we constructed previously. In code we can therefore solve the problem like this
1sage: W = diagonal_matrix([10**10, 1, 1, 1, 10**10])
2sage: B = matrix([[a, 1, 0, 0, 0],
3....: [b, 0, 1, 0, 0],
4....: [c, 0, 0, 1, 0],
5....: [d, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
6sage: Bprim = (B*W).LLL()/W
7[ 0 2191591152 -2034663455 -3089283649 0]
8[ 0 430234735 -2617123417 4557337304 0]
9[ -1 659662269 -770245021 -562394325 0]
10[ 0 -361829116 -298420587 1987070568 1]
11sage: v = next(v for v in Bprim if v[0]==0 and abs(v[-1])==1)
12sage: v *= -1*sign(v[-1])
13sage: v
14(0, 361829116, 298420587, -1987070568, -1)
15sage: v[1:-1] * vector([a, b, c]) == d
We apply the weighting, do the LLL reduction, and then remove it to more clearly see what the value of our actual equations are.
Matrix construction tips
Constructing the actual lattice bases can be quite fiddly, here are some nice Sage functions which can help you out.
When constructing lattices like the one above it is nice to use a combination of
1B = matrix([a, b, c, d]).T.augment(identity_matrix(4))
More complex matrices are nice to construct using
. It automatically expands scalars into multiples of the appropriate identity matrix. So we can for example construct
Like this
1B = block_matrix([
2 [A, 1],
3 [p, 0]
When finding small vectors in the span of you might construct something like
1B = A.change_ring(ZZ).stack(p*identity_matrix(A.ncols()))
This will work for the most part, but tools like flatter dislike having lattice bases with more rows than columns. This can be solved like this
1B = p*identity_matrix(ZZ, A.ncols())
2B.set_block(0, 0, A.rref())
Solving systems of equations
It is now not a very large leap of faith to consider systems of linear equations which we want to find small solutions to. Instead of having a single “equation column” we have several, all of which are given a large weight compared to the coefficients in order to prioritize minimizing them. See the following code example for how you can do this
1sage: A = random_matrix(ZZ, 2, 5, x=2**16)
2sage: tgt = A*random_vector(5, x=2**16)
3sage: L = block_matrix([
4....: [A.T, 1, 0],
5....: [matrix(-tgt), 0, 1]])
6sage: L
7[ 30863 56115| 1 0 0 0 0| 0]
8[ 37085 54884| 0 1 0 0 0| 0]
9[ 29462 2928| 0 0 1 0 0| 0]
10[ 11696 3725| 0 0 0 1 0| 0]
11[ 51778 37510| 0 0 0 0 1| 0]
13[-3753677194 -4314585469| 0 0 0 0 0| 1]
14sage: W = diagonal_matrix([2**16]*A.nrows() + [1]*A.ncols() + [2**16])
15sage: Lprim = (L*W).LLL()/W
16sage: Lprim # the last row contains the solution here
17[ 0 0 207 -25 435 -363 -271 0]
18[ 0 0 -1106 1624 428 60 -761 0]
19[ 0 0 1018 -688 299 2018 -740 0]
20[ 0 1 -331 701 269 740 -625 0]
21[ 1 0 -505 556 102 -705 4 0]
22[ 0 0 28479 29591 9315 4976 27902 1]
23sage: v = next(v for v in Lprim if v[:2].is_zero() and abs(v[-1]) == 1)
24sage: v *= sign(v[-1]) # in case the last entry is negative
25sage: v
26(0, 0, 28479, 29591, 9315, 4976, 27902, 1)
27sage: A * v[2:-1] == tgt